Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Personal Introduction

Hello everybody

My name is George Lippert and welcome to my blog. This blog will be primarily for Professor Walls senior seminar class: AVT 422, but may also be used for any current events, experiences I have had while at work or during training, or anything that may be related to aviation that I feel will belong on this blog.

I started flight training at Eastern Michigan University in November of 2011, because I finally decided that I wanted to be a pilot. I was 22 years old and had spent the past few years working full time as a pool mechanic at a local fitness center. I had absolutely no experience in the aviation industry and didn't know what to expect. I didn't even know that most airplanes held fuel in their wings.

Fast forward two years and I am now a instrument rated private pilot working on my commercial. I also managed to find a job in the industry as a Line Service Technician at Willow Run Airport. Now, I feel like I know a lot about the industry. I can say without a doubt that I learned more by working in the field than any class could have taught me. I have developed contacts in both the cargo world and corporate world of aviation and would strongly recommend to anyone reading that wants to get in the industry, to go pump gas into an airplane and see what kind of doors it opens up for you.

This is the company I work at:

Thanks for reading, and Fly Safe

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